Sun Print Paper Experiment

We got a sun print kit for the Holidays, and I was bored enough today to give it a test.

For this experiment, a hawk feather and a stencil were placed on the paper, and sandwiched between a small cutting board and a piece of plexiglass. It was all held in place with four hand clamps. It was a little shady with the low sun coming through the trees.

Initially, I did this for only 5ive minutes.  The instructions clearly state 5-15 minutes. And, given the low angled sun and the trees, five was exceptionally too short. But, hey, this is what experimenting is all about.  This was the first sun print:

The next attempt was setting it atop the railing. This wasn’t done the first time for fear of the squirrels running on the railing all the time. I stood there the whole 15 minutes to makes sure it was safe. And, good sunlight happened, too.

It was looking pretty good in the sunshine.

The final piece, rinsed and dried. I’m happy with this: