Category: Fauna

Posted in Dusty Fauna Hearth + Home Snapshots

RIP Dusty

Posted in Dusty Fauna

Holiday Dusty

Posted in Dusty Fauna Snapshots


Posted in Dusty Fauna Hearth + Home


Posted in Fauna Scenic Snapshots Travel

A Hawk at the Quabbin Reservoir

Posted in Dusty Fauna Hearth + Home

Chillin’ with Dusty

Posted in Dusty Fauna Hearth + Home


Posted in Fauna Flora Scenic Snapshots Travel

St. Anne St. Patrick Parish, Part II, the Hummingbird

Posted in Fauna Flora Scenic Snapshots Travel

Fitzgerald Lake

Posted in Fauna

Bear Cub

Posted in Dusty Fauna Hearth + Home

Dusty Playing in the Sink

Posted in Clothing Dusty Fauna

Cuddles with Dusty

Posted in Dusty Fauna Fiber Arts Sewing

Quilt Binding

Posted in Bryan + David Dusty Fauna

Dusty’s Birthday

Posted in Fauna Hearth + Home

The Cardinal

Posted in Fauna Hearth + Home


Posted in Fauna Garden

Garden BIrd Friends

Posted in Dusty Fauna Hearth + Home

Dusty Photo Bomb

Posted in Dusty Fauna

Dusty in the Sun

Posted in Dusty Fauna Hearth + Home

Merry Christmas from Dusty

Posted in Fauna Hearth + Home

Happy Holidays from Harriet